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Showing posts from September, 2018

Don't Focus On Your Sins - God Doesn't

Oftentimes we are told that the way to come to God is to be sorry for your sins and to ask God to forgive you of them. Whether we are discussing the Sinner’s Prayer, an altar call, or “praying through,” this idea that focuses on our sin is ubiquitous in Christendom and a common refrain on religious radio and television shows. This theme is often supported with the story of the Prodigal Son who we are told, came to his senses, felt bad, and decided to ask to be a servant. These ideas will preach and they have for centuries.  They’re wrong.  The invitation from God isn’t “feel bad and ask for forgiveness.” Rather the invitation of God is to return to him; to come home. In this sense the Prodigal Son story is correct – come to your senses and come back where you belong. But what about our sins?  Well, God says He will not pay attention to them. Why and when does God not pay attention to our sins? The answer is simple – when we come home. It is the coming home that matters. This r

Ministering Angels

"Are they [angels] not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?" Hebrews 1.14. Wow! Did you read that? Angels serve for your sake. Sent from the throne of God and Jesus, angels serve your interests. Let's try and wrap our heads around the implication of these things. The Creator God made the world for you to live in - as his own image and in his presence. Even though we messed that up, that same Creator God sent his Son into the world to reveal to us the Father; the Father's character and love for humankind. He did that for you. Then, after the ascension of the Son, the Father sent the Spirit - his own Spirit into our very beings to nudge, to witness, to correct us on our journey of transformation into the most perfect image of God - the likeness of Jesus. But even more fascinating still, the angels are sent from the throne of God for you. The entire enterprise is focused - from God's perspective - on you. T

The Current Catholic Quagmire

The Catholic Church is at least putatively an organization oriented toward forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation. In fact, Paul tells his readers that his ministry is specifically one of reconciliation - between Man and God, and between all persons. Paul will also tell us that he doesn’t quite understand why disciples go to court with disciples - surely the body of Christ has the wherewithal to discern justice within its members. The entire rite of penance is to correct and restore rather than punish wrongdoing, and that within an atmosphere of confidentiality and grace. Your priest, after all, isn’t supposed to publish your transgressions in next week’s parish newsletter or assign you inhumane or even harsh penance. This is intended to communicate God’s and our acceptance of imperfect humans as our brothers and sisters, and to restore them to right standing with God and the community. Christian discipline isn’t intended to punish but rehabilitate. It is understandable then, at lea

The Kingdom of God Is Now

We have mentioned a number of times and we will no doubt mention it again, that Christianity isn’t only about something that happened 2000 years ago. Oh yes, the coming of the Christ in real time was the hinge point of all history but if we simply think of our faith as expressive only of that coming, we have missed the purpose of the incarnation. The Gospels tell us of the event and provide little future thinking. Their purposes included to authenticate the life of Jesus and to establish his claim to be the Messiah and the savior of the world. Within the Gospels there are indications that the events recorded will impact the future,  but their themes are God’s keeping His promise to Israel. It isn’t until we enter the world of Acts and read the epistles that we get the idea firmly established that the message of Jesus is applicable to all, and is expected to have an impact far into the future. The Spirit is given to empower and help the new communities of disciples grow in the