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Showing posts from December, 2017

Violence and the Image of God

The news reports that William Atchison, 21 was the person who killed two students at Aztec High School. We have asked the lover of our souls to comfort and grant peace to those he killed, their families, and their friends. We believe also that our God loves and cares for William's parents and we pray that He grants them solace, peace, and sleep as they too face the coming days, weeks, and months without their son, knowing now the emotional turmoil he was living with, and the violence he caused their community. They face the stigma of being the parents of William for longer than they may be able to bear. William's terror has no doubt been burned into the consciences of his parents. There will be no memorials for their son, no community remembrances, no community processions from chapel to cemetery. They will have to deal with this on their own as they ask themselves questions without answers, cast, at least in their own minds, as "the murderer's parents," not eli