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Showing posts from December, 2021

Becoming a Disciple

The Great Commission in Matthew’s Gospel charges the Apostles and the church to make disciples. Have you ever wondered why the Commission is worded this way? Often I think we equate “disciple” with “Christian” and then equate “Christian” with “churchgoer.” We think we have “made a disciple” when we have made a convert. This often passes as making a disciple in the modern world, but it isn’t what Jesus meant. Jesus told his disciples that he is the way, the truth, the life - not just for them but for the whole world. If any would come to the Father, they would do so by the way which is Jesus. The idea of the Way apparently gained traction outside the Bible as a name for the Christian movement. Paul in his defense in Acts 24:14 refers to his beliefs and teachings as the Way. Luke then uses the term as though it is a normative title in verse 22 when he tells us that Felix had “a rather accurate knowledge of the Way….” There are definitely critical doctrinal points that Paul and the earl