Today was the last of a triduum that began with All Hallowed Eve, then into All Saints' Day, and now All Souls' Day. Often over-shadowed by costumes and candy, this period is much better used to reflect on the lives of all those who have gone before us in the faith. Some of these have been tortured and murdered because of our shared faith - those that hated them would have hated you. Even today, martyrs are made daily around the world as those who claim our God are even in the 21st century, hunted, abused, and killed for the same faith that you hold. Remembering them and honoring their faith once a year is hardly sufficient for their faithfulness to our God.
It is true though, that most believers no longer with us have not been martyred, but all of them have influenced someone. Have any of those who have died influenced you either to believe, to return to God, or perhaps to own your faith more strongly and more assuredly than before? Who were they; can you bring them to mind and remember their faith as it was lived before you?
Take a moment to remember, to reflect, to realize that you stand in a great river - or even flood - of believers who for two thousand years, have kept our faith alive in the world. Determine to join them in that faithful steadfastness that mimics our God through the remainder of your life and in so doing, push the faith a little further out in time so that younger people and those yet to be born, can know of the goodness and the grace of our God.
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